SIFT Descriptor
Idea of descriptor
Represent the image content as a "constellation" of local features that are invariant to translate, scale, rotation , and other image parameters.
Overall SIFT Procedure
1. Scale-space extrema detection
2. Key Point Localization
3. Orientation Assignment
The base orientation is the dominant direction of the gradient.
To localize orientation to a feature we create a histogram of local gradient directions and their resulting magnitudes at a selected scale - 36 bins.
The canonical orientation is assigned to the peak of the smoothed histogram.
- Each feature points has some properties: its coordinates, and an invariant scale and orientation.
4. Keypoint Description
A descriptor is distinctive and invariant. Use local image gradients at selected scale and rotation to describe each keypoint region.
Rotate a keypoint's window based on the standard orientation.
Then scale the window size based on the keypoint's scale.
Create a feature vector based upon:
- A histogram of gradients, which we determined previous when finding the orientation
- Weighted by a centered Gaussian Filter, to appropriately value the center gradients more.
Reduce effect of illumination
- Clip gradient magnitudes to avoid excessive influence of high gradients.